

A work by Alex Bailey

Custom-made socio practical mantra (joke)

Conditions of activation: A humourology reading session will be held over the telephone or in person. The reading will result in a custom made joke which will be made by the artist and will become the property of the purchaser to be retold at their discretion.

Documentation: Retellable Not resellable.

Humourology is the study of humour related communications and the occult manner in which it reflects certain aptitudes and character tendencies. By integrating our physical artistes into the cosmic plan of humourolgy the value derived relates to a comic vibration. The comic vibration is the manifestation of our bodies as humour. Humourolgy is used to provide the interrelation of vibrations between content and affect. By examining our physical attributes and the sums that result from our character, purposes in life, and where are talents lie humourolgy determines the content and form of our humour derived communications. It is a component in our discovery into a language of affective laughter with those in our comic plan.

The formula behind humourolgy takes the cosmic energy of an individual and ‘bends’ this into a mathematical climbing frame that seeks and sources related humour specific to the individual. By engaging in humourology it condenses time and affect into (what we know) a joke and importantly, a joke that is know to the individual and can be told as such.

Alex Bailey has been counseled by Gabriel Lester. During there post-premonition channels, Humourology (2016) the social practice based on the divine ascription of cosmic energy into comic synergy was in part attributed to this dialogue. Bailey has pioneered a water based singing technique utilising a 2 stop valve ’emotive’ throat reflex. Recitals, concerts and workshops demonstrating this technique have been shown across the Baltic states. He has written a dieting book entitled “How to lose 10 pounds” retailing for £10. His practice of practical jokes, performances for pets and water based singing recitals are by no means sustainable but have shown to be perpetual. He was also a youth academy footballer for Aston Villa FC. He currently resides in Vienna and has previously lived in Tallinn, Philadelphia and Birmingham.